Forming Akhlāqul Karīmah (Noble Character) of the Students of Institute of Islamic and Arabic Language (STIBA) Makassar by Implementing Tarbiyah Islāmiyah (Islamic Education) Program

M. Kasim, Azwar Azwar


This study aims to: (1) analyze the effect of implementing tarbiyah rūhiyah on akhlāqul karīmah in Makassar STIBA students; (2) analyze the effect of implementing tarbiyah ṡaqāfiyah on akhlāqul karīmah in Makassar STIBA students; and (3) analyzing the influence of the implementation of jasadiyah tarbiyah on akhlāqul karīmah in Makassar STIBA students. This study uses data obtained from respondents through questionnaires and a quantitative approach through the component-based Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) technique or variant with Partial Least Square (PLS). The results showed that: (1) the implementation of tarbiyah rūhiyah had a positive and significant effect on akhlāqul karīmah for STIBA Makassar students; (2) the implementation of tarbiyah ṡaqāfiyah has a positive and significant effect on the akhlāqul karīmah of STIBA Makassar students; and (3) the implementation of tarbiyah jasadiyah has a positive and significant effect on akhlāqul karīmah for STIBA Makassar students. Therefore, as a policy recommendation, fostering student akhlāqul karīmah in tertiary institutions can be carried out through the Islamic tarbiyah program as an extracurricular activity. The application of student akhlāqul karīmah coaching can be done through integration into the lecture process. Interventions for the implementation of the Islamic tarbiyah program in tertiary institutions can be applied by making rules and signs for akhlāqul karīmah both on campus and outside the campus


akhlāqul karīmah (noble character), rūhiyah (spiritual development), ṡaqāfiyah (intellectual development), jasadiyah (physical developement), moral values in higher education

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