The Use of Cooperative Learning in Small Group Discussions in Genre-Based Reading class

Anin Eka Sulistyawati(1*)

(1) University of Pancasakti Tegal, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


This research belongs to the classroom action research (CAR) that purpose to improve the students’ reading ability in Genre-Based Reading class and also enhance their interest and awareness on reading genre-texts. Two cycles were conducted here through several stages in each; they were planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The first reflection was used to monitor the weaknesses gained in the cycle 1 to be improved in cycle 2. After completing the cycles, it showed that there were significant improvements of the students’ reading ability in genre-based reading class as follows; the classical mean of the students’ score in pre-test was only 48, rose to 68,25 in the first cycle, and became 82,5 in the second cycle. Another finding is about the enhanced students’ interest and awareness from cycle 1 to cycle 2.



Cooperative learning; Small group discussions; Genre-based reading class

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