Peer Review Process

Peer review is a crucial component of our editorial process at Al-Muamalat: Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah. This process aims to assist the editor in making informed editorial decisions and provides valuable feedback to authors to enhance the quality of their papers through editorial communications.

  1. Initial Evaluation:

    • All submitted manuscripts undergo an initial evaluation by our editorial team. This ensures alignment with the scope and style guidelines of our journal and includes a plagiarism check.
    • Manuscripts passing the initial screening proceed to a double-blind peer review.
  2. Double-Blind Peer Review:

    • At least two expert reviewers in the field are selected to assess the manuscript anonymously.
    • Selected reviewers receive an email from the editor containing the manuscript's title and content, along with an invitation to log in to our website to complete the review process.
    • Reviewers evaluate manuscripts based on specific criteria, such as relevance, originality, clarity, and the validity of methodology and results.
    • Reviewers are given a maximum of two weeks to complete the review process.
  3. Confidentiality and Ethical Conduct:

    • Manuscripts received for review are treated as confidential documents. Reviewers must not disclose or discuss them with others without authorization from the editor.
  4. Review Criteria:

    • Relevance and significance to the field of Islamic economics.
    • Originality and contribution to the field.
    • Clarity and coherence of the manuscript.
    • Validity and appropriateness of the methodology.
    • Accuracy and validity of the results.
  5. Feedback and Constructive Criticism:

    • Reviewers provide constructive feedback to help authors improve their manuscripts.
    • Reviews should be conducted objectively, avoiding personal criticism.
    • Reviewers express their views clearly with supporting arguments and identify relevant published work not cited by the author.
  6. Conflict of Interest Disclosure:

    • Reviewers disclose any conflicts of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships with the authors, companies, or institutions connected to the manuscript.
  7. Final Decision and Plagiarism Check:

    • The final decision on manuscript acceptance is made by the Editor-in-Chief or Regional Editor, considering reviewers' comments.
    • A plagiarism check using Turnitin is conducted before sending the manuscript to reviewers. If similarity exceeds 25%, the manuscript is returned to the author for revision.
  8. Publication and Open Access:

    • The Editor-in-Chief oversees the publication of accepted articles, assigning them to published issues.
    • Accepted articles, published in Open Access, are freely accessible to all readers.
    • The journal follows the Mendeley Tool Reference Manager and the Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition (full note) for citation style.

This comprehensive peer review process aims to ensure the quality, integrity, and transparency of the publication process in our journal.
